Sara and I returned from our trip to the Great White North. (More on that later.) We were relieved to find that Hiraerth had survived Hurricane Irma without a single scratch inside or out. The next two weeks were a whirlwind as we recommissioned systems, addressed an issue with our head, reconnected with old friends and met new people on the docks.

We departed on a cold, cloudy day with a light north wind. We weren’t in a hurry so we pulled out only the jib and sailed down to the Manatee River where we anchored with some of our new friends Chasseur and Luf-fin Place. That night we enjoyed games and each others company as we got to know each other.

The next day we all dinghied to shore and walked to the lookout tower in Emerson Point Preserve. It was a fun walk and a great view. Then we all turned our bows to Longboat. On the bay we had pretty light winds and were again sailing downwind. I poled out the jib and was making 3 knots wing-on-wing. Finally we turned into the ICW and motored the rest of the way.
That night we went to the beach and enjoyed twilight. It was beautiful.

Saturday we parted ways. Luf-fin Place headed back to the Marina, Chasseur stayed at anchor and explored Longboat. Sara and I headed out to the Gulf and sailed up to the mouth of Tampa Bay. Then we motored the rest of the way up to Pinellas Point for our last night at anchor.

The next day with wind and swell on the nose we trudged back up to the Marina ourselves. Next up, working and more boat projects!