I’m so happy to announce that our daughter was born!… Last year! I’ve been thinking about how to post about my family on the Internet because, well, it’s the Internet. So for now we’ll just write about her and share some of the things we’ve learned and the joys and angst.

Naomi is a joy, that’s what I tell everyone. She has a really good attitude, for the most part she’s very happy and she shares it. I love to watch her and see her learning. Lately she’s been watching our hands, so we clap wiggle our fingers, make a fist and mime picking up Cheerios with our “pincers”. Naomi takes it all in and laughs with the joy of it. When we put her down for a nap she’ll coo (and sometimes screech, like right now as I write). When Sara rubs noses with her, Naomi will giggle and smile. She loves to read books, play peek-a-boo, hearing Sara and I sing, and fabrics. She does not like having gas, being hungry, and/or getting her arms into tight shirts!
We’ve learned that we can keep a baby alive! Well, that sounds dramatic but never have I been more scared than leaving the hospital after Naomi was born. I must looked like a lost puppy to the wonderful nurses who encouraged us the whole time we were there. We are so thankful for all their help. Patience is key, and I’ll never finish all the stuff I want(/need) to do in a timely fashion. (I still haven’t sent my father a Father’s Day card, sorry Dad.) I’ve learned how to dress a baby, feed her and all the while keep up with dishes, work and whip up some tasty meals too.

We’ve struggled with different expectations as parents, how to configure the boat for a baby and (of course) when Naomi cries. Lately she’s been “finding her voice” and what a voice she has! Sometimes getting her to sleep is challenging and we spend lots of time trying to help her fall asleep. Dirty diapers and garbage. Our trash has at least doubled.
I’m amazed with our child. She’s been sailing seven times since she was born (one of those was on a motorboat). She’s been on six flights. (Maybe we can get her on a train and she’ll have traveled on Planes, Trains and Automobiles). We’re teaching her to swim, talk, crawl, eat and probably a whole lot else that we’re not even aware of. We love her and really look forward to seeing her grow and become who she’s going to be.